I played escape killer series and decided to play all of your point and click games.You are a master of puzzles and ambient and thats the reason i decided to spend part of my time playing your games.Every game was in range from 3.5 to 5/5 and the low score is because of "action elements" in them.Please ,please stop making action elements.You are horrible in making them.Mechanics is awful and they are either laughable or like in this one too hard.The game is raping me with bad elements ,the vision is limited and in the final scene crabs are jumping from far sides so i cant dispose them quickly enough. On top of that weapons are identical in their shooting power ,rate and efficiency.THIS IS LIKE PUTTING A PIECE OF FRIED FISH IN SIDE OF A CAKE AND CALLING IT AN EXCITING REFRESHMENT. What could have been a great game ,now is below mediocre.